K. Mathur
murders have become such a part of life in the United States that we all go
through the routine of feeling sad, comforting the families, lighting candles,
and bringing flowers to the murder site.
However, Americans are so entrenched in preserving the status quo,
thanks to NRA, that many politicians refuse to support some realistic cost
effective solutions, such as stricter regulations of firearms sales to reduce
mass murders. This apathy has reached
a point that even researchers are shying away from the topic of gun violence research.
FBI classifies killings as mass murders
when there are 4 or more victims. William Krause and Daniel Richardson of
Congressional Research Service (CRS) provide some evidence on mass murders in a
paper, July 30, 2015. From 1999 to
2013 there were 317 mass shooting incidents, where 1554 people were killed and
441 wounded. In addition, since
1990, days between mass shootings have been decreasing.
investigation on mass murders by Mark Follman of Mother Jones (,
Updated December 3, 2015, found that during 1982-2012, of the 143 guns used 99
of them were semiautomatic and rifles, and more than three-fourths were
obtained legally. According to CRS, a significant number of mass murderers have
mental problems. Hence, facts show
that mass murders are rising with greater frequency, high-powered weapons are
the favorite tools in most shootings and a significant number of shooters have
mental problems.
We cannot restrict the constitutional
right to bear arms affirmed by the Supreme Court in 2008. However, the Second Amendment of the
Constitution or the Supreme Court ruling in 2008 did not support that right to
be unlimited ( Writing for the majority conservative
Justice Antonin Scalia stated, “Like most rights, the right secured by the
Second Amendment is not unlimited…” It is “…not a right to keep and carry any
weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and whatever purpose.” The majority report also supported prohibition of “dangerous
and unusual weapons”, and even carrying of concealed weapons.
A study of 27 developed countries
including US, in The American Journal of
Medicine, October 2013, found that gun ownership rate is an independent
predictor of firearm-related deaths. Mark Duggan obtained similar results in an academic paper, “
More Guns, More Crimes”, Journal of
Political Economy, October 2001.
it makes sense to pass laws that regulate purchases of all types of guns and
high capacity magazines (without any loopholes), supplemented by requiring universal
nation-wide background checks (without any loopholes), high tax rates on all
types of guns and magazines and personalized gun technology. This would require political courage
despite NRA’s lobbyists.
different types of guns are substitutes, Tomas Philipson and Richard Posner
argued for restricting ammunition as an effective strategy to curb the use of
guns in their research for The Journal of
Law and Economics, October 1996.
However, in addition to ammunition regulation, a proportionate tax on
all guns would avoid the substitution problem. Increase in price due to the tax would decrease demand for
guns. For example, Douglas Bice
and David Hamley, The Journal of Law and
Economics, April 2002, found that a 10% increase in the price of handguns
reduces demand 20% to 30%.
about millions of guns that are already in circulation? Since I am advocating for federal guns
and ammunitions regulations, I propose that the federal government could
provide incentive of income tax credits, with a 5 year window, to those who
come forward to register their guns and ammunitions and go through background
statements, often made by NRA and other opponents of any firearms regulations, defy
simple logic. We all have heard
the claim that guns do not kill people but people kill people. Precisely due to this reason, I propose
nation-wide universal firearms regulations and background checks. These regulations are meant to discourage
those people who are prone to violent behavior and are mentally incapacitated
from owning guns and ammunitions.
The argument for guns for self-defense cannot justify possession of
sophisticated weapons with high kill factor and range accuracy, and high
capacity magazines. Finally, the
argument that gun regulations would deny guns to lawful people and not outlaws
is patently illogical. The purpose
of national universal guns and ammunitions regulations (without loopholes) is
exactly to deny guns and ammunition to outlaws.
citizens have a vested interest to make the logical choice to support common
sense firearms and bullet magazine regulations and to elect politicians who
have the courage to defy lobbyists to support their cause. Such laws and regulations would
protect the right to bear arms while at the same time would tend to reduce
murders, suicides, familicides (killing of family members) and mass murders,
thus promoting freedom from fear in daily lives of Americans.
Mathur is former chairman
and professor of economics and now professor emeritus, Department of Economics,
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio. He resides in Ogden , Utah.