Vijay K. Mathur
Many in the media are
appalled at the derogatory remarks GOP presidential presumptive nominee Donald
Trump makes against Hillary Clinton, former President Clinton, women, and many
ethnic and racial groups of Americans. However, I wonder if they have seriously
examined the underlying views of Trump’s Republican supporters. It appears that
Trump is reflecting the views of his electorate and political supporters about
the rest of the American society. Perhaps we should not blame Trump for his
foul, derogatory and unpresidential language against people and groups he does
not like and who are critical of his views. Conceivably the blame lies with his
cheering section.
During the 1950s, Senator
Joseph McCarthy initiated a witch hunt for communists in the federal government
and among Americans in all walks of life. It had gone unnoticed for some time
by most responsible observers. But finally a courageous anchor newsman, Edward
R. Murrow, in March 1954, exposed the Senator’s attempt to humiliate many
honorable Americans and to damage freedom of expression and activity enjoyed by
all Americans.
One of the most memorable
statements Murrow made in support of his case against Senator McCarthy’s
tactics and quoted by David Sheldon of Poynter, was,
“He didn’t create his situation of fear, he merely exploited it—rather
successfully. Cassius was right. ‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
but in ourselves.’” The same situation is applicable in Trump’s presidential
campaign. He is thriving on the fear, anger and suspicion of government of his
supporters. Hence, it is time for them to look at themselves in the mirror, to
consciously and cognitively examine who is exploiting whom. If they look
carefully they may realize that Trump is not interested in their well-being but
rather in his own lust for power and promotion of his brand.
Trump is also exploiting
polarization of the electorate based on rumors he spreads in the news media.
Experimental evidence reported by Cass R. Sunstein, in On Rumors, shows
that internal group deliberations further strengthen members’ belief in rumors.
Trump’s rumors, such as Muslims celebrated 9/11 attack on World Trade Center,
Mexicans are rapists and murderers, Vince Foster may have been murdered during President
Clinton’s administration, Senator Cruz’ father’s hand in JFK assassination, and
Hillary Clinton desires to repeal Second Amendment are ignored by his
supporters in his quest for the presidency.
Such rumors breed
suspicion and even contempt against various ethnic and demographic groups and
even against other presidential candidates who are supported by those groups.
As psychologist Daniel Kahneman, former Nobel Laureate in Economics, states in Thinking
Fast And Slow, “A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is
frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from
truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact.”
Mr. Trump takes pride in his skills in marketing and branding but not in policies.
Policies are left for the experts.
What about the media’s
role in Trump’s campaign? Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson in Winner-Take-All
Politics are of the view that news media are not helping voters by
providing vital and reliable information on the candidates and their policies.
“The erosion of traditional interest
organizations has meant that for many voters, the media are the only regular
source of political information... Even hard news consists mostly of dueling
sound bites. Efforts to analyze the veracity or relevance of these claims, or
place them in context, are either left to the end or left out altogether.”
These remarks are
especially applicable to most television news. The Internet has not filled that
gap either. In fact, the Internet has contributed to the speed and durability
of rumors.
Why have Trump supporters,
and presumably responsible Republican politicians, forgotten their basic
principles of Republicanism and are supporting Trump? Speaker of the House Paul
Ryan emphasizes conservative principles such as “big tent,” smaller government,
and entitlement reform every time he gets the opportunity before the media; but
even he is wavering in his principles and hinting tacit support for Trump’s
presidency. Is it conceivable that many of Trump’s supporters secretly believe
in what Trump is overtly saying, zeroing in on his supporters’ inner thoughts,
such as fear of immigrants, minorities, off-shoring of businesses, China’s
unfair trade practices and loss of respect for America in the world?
According to Tax
Foundation, October 2012, 60 percent of households now receive more federal
transfer income than they pay in taxes. Obviously the Republican Congress has
not been very faithful to its principle of small government. The Republican electorate
in Southern states also does not practice its explicitly expressed concern
about big government. Out of the top ten states receiving disability benefits
under SSDI, seven are in the South.
Trump’s contemptible
inflammatory language, and his vindictiveness against those who do not agree
with his ever changing inconsistent policies and statements is a reflection of
the cognitive dissonance of his supporters. It is time for his supporters and
Republican politicians to look at themselves in the mirror and find their true
self and not Trump’s image.