Vijay K. Mathur
According to Professors Robert Ekelund, Jr. and Robert
Hebert in their book on economic history, Mercantilist writers between the 16th
and 18th centuries were a group of merchants in Western Europe who were
primarily interested in pursuit of their own material ends in alliance with the
monarchy. They were concerned about the nation-state’s power, as long as it
promoted their accumulation of wealth.
Mercantilists advanced the cause of nationalistic
international trade regime and import tariffs that allowed them to accumulate
export surplus. They were in favor of keeping wages as low as possible because,
as Professors Ekelund and Herbert state, they believed that “suffering is
therapeutic”. Poverty makes workers industrious. High wages would make labor
lazy and hence supply less work.
Mercantilists were in favor of selective regulations,
subsidization and taxation of industries, and monopoly in some sectors.
Benefits to them guided their efforts and support for such state actions. In
summary, Mercantilist thought represented distribution of income from labor and
the poor to the rich.
Mercantilist thought, among many Republicans in the Congress
and the Trump administration, runs through some of the actions they have
implemented so far and are proposing to implement in the near future.
One of the most egregious Congressional actions that is pro-
rich and anti middle and low-income is the American Health Care Act
(AHCA) passed by House of Representatives on May 4, 2017. The AHCA increases
the number of uninsured among low income, disabled, elderly and poor people. It
eliminates 14 million people from Medicaid by cutting $800 billion (2017-2026),
according to CBPO estimates, March 13, 2017. The bill reduces all taxes and
fees that are part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA-Obama Care) and paid
primarily by people with high income. They were used to subsidize those
low-income people who could not afford to buy health insurance before ACA.
The Congressional Republicans’ claim that their health care
bill is based upon principles of free market is “phishing for phools”
strategy, as elaborated by Professors George Akerlof and Robert Shiller (Nobel
Prize winners) in their book Phishing for Phools. Akerloff and
Shiller cogently argue that “phishing for phools” occurs in the free market as
well as in politics. In politics such a strategy succeeds when the typical
voter is ill informed, and the campaign donors are well informed. Since the
health care bill is so complicated, many voters, except the “donor class”,
would be ill informed about the contents of the bill. Even the Congressmen who
voted for the bill were not sure about the contents of the bill. Therefore,
there is a great deal of room for phishing for the ill informed phools.
Republicans in Congress and the Trump administration have
such a disregard for the plight of the non-rich that they are proposing to give
wealthy Americans the largest tax breaks, while severely cutting health care
funding for low income and poor Americans. Such policies would not only result
in large budget deficits and concentration of wealth, but are ethically
bankrupt and economically damaging to the nation in the long run.
Proposed tax cuts for the rich are large in absolute as well
as in percentage terms, relative to middle and low-income people. Also,
marginal tax rates are reduced from 35% to 15% on “pass through incomes”,
such as incomes in S corporations, partnerships and proprietorships that mostly
benefit the rich. It would also encourage formation of such organizations to
avoid taxes. Eliminating estate taxes benefits only 0.2 percent of estates (Center
for Budget and Policy Priorities, April 27, 2017). Their hope that it would
result in a growth rate of 3% is based on fictional evidence, given average
total productivity growth rate below 2% for decades (see Robert Shackleton, CBO
working paper, March 2013).
Trump’s world view on international trade is more
Mercantilist and is mixed with distrust of free trade and World Trade
Organization (WTO). Trump’s administration and Congressional Republicans are
also on a rampage to rescind many of the past regulations and laws in order to
benefit businesses, without regard to harmful effects to the general public. It
is ironic that these politicians, who publically pronounce the virtues of the
free market, would defy regulations on pollution control and financial and
consumer protection that promote efficiency of free markets.
Republicans are completely oblivious to the fact that one of
the most productive resources a country has is its human capital. A country
with mostly sick and unhealthy people cannot be productive. Substitution of
technology has limitations, and it cannot be efficiently utilized without human
capital. Unlike physical capital, investment in human capital starts at a young
age and continues through adulthood, and it pays off over generations.
It seems that Congressional Republicans have succumbed to
the will of the rich and powerful. Since the Citizen United decision the
power of dark money, the title of the book by Jane Mayer, has
corrupted political decision-making in the Congress. More emphasis is on
appearance, rather than contents, of policies that are pro rich and against
poor and lower income people.
I hope politicians realize the corrupting influence of dark
money. But if they do not it is at their own peril, and
consequently the peril of all Americans and Democracy.