January 13, 2016, I published a blog in The
Huffington Post, where I pointed out that an increasing proportion of
families and “their future generations” are ending up in the bottom of the
income distribution and hence are trapped in the cycle of poverty. Poverty rates vary among racial
groups. Blacks and Hispanics face
twice the poverty rates of Asians and Whites. In August 29, 1997, Time
magazine’s lead article termed poor Blacks as an Underclass, as they were
entrapped in the cycle of psychological and material deprivation even after 20
years of civil rights and anti-poverty programs.
Laureate Economist Angus Deaton, (http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/despair-and-the-white-working-class/,
in a conversation at Knowledge@Wharton, April 6, 2017, is
raising a similar issue, with a slightly different twist, pertaining to the
effect of material deprivation and lack of economic opportunities on working
class middle age White undereducated Americans. Most economists have also been pointing out that, in the
emerging technologically sophisticated economy, the role of higher education
and skills beyond high school will play a significant role in determining the
success of job seekers in the labor market and their economic well-being.
Deaton argues that the mortality rate among Non-Hispanic Whites in their early
50’s, “after 100 years of
declining had turned the wrong way or at least flattened out.” (See
source above). This is
happening to both men and women, and not to Hispanics and African-Americans,
and not in other rich countries.
Most deaths are due to alcohol consumption, drug overdose and
suicides. Deaton has argued in his
book, The Great Escape (2013), that
well-being is primarily based upon income and health.
this age of rapid technological change, job opportunities open up for those who
have acquired human capital that complements physical capital with advanced
technologies. The Wall Street Journal,
November 30, 2017, reports a study by McKinsey
Global Institute that predicts that around the world close to 375 million
workers, displaced by new technologies, will have to find new occupations by
2030. Public policy makers and
businesses have to equip workers with new skills and technical training to
minimize labor market disruptions of automation. The US is not alone in facing this challenge. In fact, even now, manufacturers in the
US have been complaining about the problem of finding technologically skilled
workers (The Wall Street Journal,
December 1, 2017).
with less education are facing desperate times in finding job opportunities
that will create a sense of income security and economic well-being. The Trump administration and Republican
Congressional members are derelict in providing sufficient support to Americans
who need new skills, job training and education to meet challenges of
automation in the labor market. Job
uncertainty, income insecurity and inadequate health care of this group of Americans
create a sense of anxiety, despair and depression compounded by the lack of
family ties, and public and community support. Unhealthy and
depressed workers cannot be productive members of society.
argues in his book (p. 207) that despite the belief in the American dream, the US
is not “particularly good at
actually delivering equal opportunities.” This is supported by high correlation
between fathers’ earnings and sons’ earnings in the US, highest among OECD
countries of Europe and only lower than China and some Latin American
states that this problem among Non-Hispanic Whites with low levels of education
has arisen due to “...a cumulative disadvantage over life in the labor market, in
marriage, in child outcomes and in health triggered by progressively worsening
labor opportunities at a time of entry…”(See
source above). A study by John
F. Helliwell and Hafang Huang (HH), Economic
Enquiry, October 2014, using subjective well-being (SWB) data covering life
evaluations and emotional experiences reports, finds that SWB increases with
income, education, and marriages, and diminishes with increase in unemployment
rates. Unemployment rate increase also affects emotional well-being of employed,
since it threatens workplace downsizing -- hence their job security. HH also find, for those who are employed, that a one percent
increase in unemployment rate is equivalent to a 4 percent decline in household
labor market that creates employment and occupational growth for skilled and highly
educated workers and dries up job opportunities, occupational growth and
economic well- being of less skilled and educated workers is bound to be
disruptive to households and the nation. It would also lead to increasing levels of income
inequality that we experience today in the US as opposed to other advanced
nations. And as Deaton would argue, income inequality is harmful to the nation
and its economic system when rent seeking (special favors from government by
lobbying) rich affect public policy that deprives lower income people of
services, such as education and health care to enrich themselves. In fact that is what the Congressional
Republican’s tax law will do.
hope that the Trump administration and some Republican Congressmen will be bold
enough to realize that just enacting a tax law to make
a political point is not an achievement for the well-being of Americans.
Enacting tax and spending
laws that benefit all current and future generations of Americans to meet challenges
of advanced technologies and competitive forces in the global market would be a
laudable legacy. As Justice Sonia
Sotomayor has stated, “Until we get equality in education, we won’t have an
equal society.”