Vijay K. Mathur
Published in Standard-Examiner October 19, Ogden,
Election times in
slow-growth economy bring attention to poverty and safety net programs to
alleviate poverty. In the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney blamed
President Barack Obama for the increase in the poverty rate. He promised to
create 12 million jobs. Such a statement on jobs recognizes that increase in
poverty is due to lack of job opportunities. However, this statement
contradicts his remarks at the private fundraiser that 47 percent of Americans,
who do not pay federal income taxes, consider themselves as victims and are
dependent on government for entitlements.
Perhaps Mr. Romney’s
views on 47 percent of Americans also fit his tax and spending agenda. Cutting
income tax rates by 20 percent across all income brackets and other tax cuts,
on top of Bush tax cuts, primarily benefit the rich. He also intends to
increase defense spending and reduce the budget deficit. His claim, that he can
accomplish his goal by reducing tax loopholes and deductions and increase the
level of economic growth, is far fetched at best. Therefore, in all likelihood,
Mr. Romney has to dip into Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other
entitlements, which would be extremely burdensome to low-income and poor
households and even to many middle-income households.
Let us look at some
facts about poverty and then examine how much difference safety-net programs
make in the lives of the poor. Census Bureau defines a family as poor if its
annual pretax money income falls below the poverty threshold. Thresholds vary
with the size of family.
For example, in 2011
poverty thresholds were $11,484 for one person with no children, $15,504 for
two-person household under 65 years of age with one child, $18,106 and $18,123
for three person households with one child and with two children respectively,
and $10,788 for those 65 years old and over with no children.
Census Bureau data
shows that in 1959 poverty rate for all people in the U.S. was 23 percent of
the population. It declined throughout 1960s, reaching a low point of 11.1
percent in 1973. This decline was partly due to the passage of The Economic
Opportunity Act in 1964 during President Johnson’s administration. The poverty
rate has increased to 15.9 percent in 2011. Among children 18 and under it has
always been higher than for all people since 1973, and in 2011 it was a
scandalous rate of 27 percent. The elderly poverty rate in 1959 was 35 percent,
but in 2011 it was close to 12 percent, due mainly to social insurance
programs. I am sure deep recession of 2007 worsened these rates.
The question is, how
much difference is made in reducing poverty by social insurance programs (SIP),
and Means-tested Transfers (MTT), including entitlements. SIP has dedicated
funding and provide benefits to those who have made contributions to the
programs. MTT are financed by general tax revenues, and provide benefits to
eligible persons and families based on income and assets.
A major study by
Professors John Karl Scholz, Robert Moffitt and Benjamin Cowan (SMC),
Discussion Paper no. 1350-08, September 2008 at,
is instructive in gauging the effectiveness of these programs. They investigate
SIP (Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation
and disability insurance) and MTT. MTT includes three types of programs: 1)
Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind and disabled, 2)
cash transfers, for example, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families that replaced
AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) in 1996, Earned Income Tax
Credit, and 3) in-kind transfers, for example, food stamps, housing assistance,
head start, school lunches, and nutrition programs for women, infants, and
SMC analysis includes
1984, 1993 and 2004, but I report here their findings for only 2004. They
assume away behavioral responses to the anti-poverty programs that may provide
work disincentives and hence may increase the poverty rate. They find that in 2004
all transfers (including SIP, all cash transfers, all in-kind transfers, all
MTT except child care credit and foster child payments) reduced percentage of
poor families and individuals from 30.3 percent with no transfers to 12 percent
after transfers.
In 2004 for different
family types, the transfer system was very effective as well. For example, from
pre-transfers to post-transfers, percentage of single-parent and two-parent
poor families decreased 71 percent and 66 percent respectively, the percentage of
employed poor decreased 51 percent and the percentage of elderly families and
individuals decreased 86 percent.
Using SMC data I find
that in 2005 spending on MTT (including Medicaid) was 53 percent of spending on
SIP. The evidence suggests that safety-net programs with minimum disincentives
for work would be very effective in reducing poverty. SMC cite past evidence
that reducing entitlement benefits had imposed a heavy indirect tax on the poor
for working.
Therefore, any
trimming of these programs to offset tax cuts for the rich must be done with
careful thought and not be guided by ideology. The character of a nation and
its people is determined by how its most vulnerable people are treated.
is the first part of a two-column series by Mathur. Next week he will write
about incentivizing poor and low-income persons to work and save more. Mathur
is former chair and professor of economics and now professor emeritus,
Department of Economics, Cleveland Sate University, Cleveland, Ohio. He also
writes blogs for the Standard-Examiner at,etc.
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